Summer Sun Tips

In the midst of another record-setting summer with scorching temperatures, Americans are flocking to beaches, pools and backyard sprinklers to find relief. It is essential to keep safe from heat stroke and sunburn.
Heat Stroke
Who is most at risk for heat stroke? Children, seniors, athletes and anyone doing any work outdoors is at particular risk to suffer from heat stroke and it occurs when the body can no longer control its own temperature. As the body’s temperature rises quickly, sweating, the mechanism that controls body temperature fails and it is no longer able to cool itself down. It is important to be vigilant of the signs of heat stroke. The symptoms include not sweating, dry hot skin, dizziness, headache, vomiting, small pupils and even unconsciousness. To prevent this condition be sure to drink plenty of water, reduce intake of alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, wear lightweight clothing, avoid sitting in cars without air conditioning and, finally, limit your time outdoors.
The best protection against sunburn begins long before heading outdoors. Be sure to choose the correct sun protection lotion that protects against both UVA and UVB rays. Apply liberally and often. It is suggested to reapply sun protection lotion every two hours and even more frequently if swimming. Also note that the sun’s damaging rays are present even in cloudy days. Using adequate sun protection helps prevent painful sunburn, reduces the signs of aging and most importantly, reduces the risk of skin cancer. Remember to protect your eyes with UV blocking lenses and consider using UV protective clothing and wide brimmed hats.
If you are wondering how much skin damage the sun really causes, check out the UV photography and videography work of British-American artist, Tom Leveritt.